
1. This section contains information about the way users’ data is processed on our website.
2. This policy is valid for the purpose of article 13 of the EU Regulation no. 2016/679, regarding the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free circulation of said data
3. The policy refers solely to the website and not to other websites that may be consulted by the user through links contained on the website.
4. The purpose of this document is to provide indications about the modes, times and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they connect to the web pages of, regardless of the reason why they connect, in accordance with Italian and European legislation.
5. The policy may undergo amendments due to the introduction of new legislation, therefore the user is kindly requested to periodically check this page.

1 – Data Controller
1. The data controller is the individual or legal entity, public authority, service or other body that, alone or together with others, determines the purpose and means of processing personal data. They also manage security profiles.
2. For the herein website, the data controller is: Ferdinando Baldini who can be contacted for any clarification or exercising of the data subject’s rights at the following email address:
2 – Place in which data are processed
1. Data is processed at the registered office: Via Ponte Vico 6, Tordibetto di Assisi.
Tel +39. 335 5621384
Certified email (PEC):
Tax code: BLDFDN72P05D653E4

3 – Third-party Cookies
1. In relation to origin, some cookies are sent to the browser directly from the website you are visiting and other third party cookies are sent to the computer from other websites, and not from the one you are visiting.
2. Permanent cookies are often third party cookies.
3. Most third party cookies are tracking cookies used to identify online behaviour, to understand interests and therefore to personalise users’ advertising offers.
4. Third party analytical cookies may be installed. They are sent from the domains of said third parties, outside the website.
5. Third party analytical cookies are used to collect information about user behaviour on Collection is anonymous, to monitor performance and improve website usability. Third party profiling cookies are used to create user profiles, in order to offer advertising messages in line with the choices made by the users themselves.
6. Use of these cookies is governed by the rules set by said third parties, therefore users are invited to read the privacy policies and instructions for managing or disabling the cookies that are published on the relative websites. For more details on the policy, please refer to our website’s cookie policy.

1 – Modes in which data are processed
1. Like all websites, this website also used log files where information automatically collected during users’ visits is stored. The information collected may be as follows:
– internet protocol (IP) address;
– type of browser and parameters of the device used to connect to the website;
– name of the internet service provider (ISP);
– date and time of visit;
– visitor’s referral web page and exit web page;
– number of clicks.
2. The above information is processed automatically and collected in aggregate format in order to check that the website functions correctly, and for security reasons. This information will be processed on the basis of the controller’s legitimate interests.
3. For security purposes (antispam filters, firewalls, virus detection), automatically recorded data may also include personal data such as IP address, that may be used, in compliance with current legislation, to block attempts to damage the website or to cause damage to other users, or for other harmful, criminal activity. These data are never used to identify or profile the user, but solely to protect the website and its users. This information will be processed on the basis of the controller’s legitimate interests.
4. The information that website users will make public via the services and tools provided for them, is freely and willingly provided by the user, exempting this website from any liability for any legal violations. The user must check that they have permission to enter personal data of other parties or content protected by national and international law.

2 – Purpose of data processing
A) Legal civil, fiscal, accounting obligations; administrative management of the relationship;
B) technical support and technical information regarding products and services you have purchased; customer satisfaction checks;

Missing personal information implies the automatic cancellation of the order. The communication of false or untruthful information goes against the herein General Conditions of Use.
In particular, Ferdinando Baldini states that the personal data of his own clients will not be used for the purpose of commercial information or the sending of advertising material, or to carry out market research or interactive commercial communication, unless following specific prior consent from the client.

3 – Data provided by the user
1. As stated above, the optional, express and willing sending of emails to addresses provided on this website results in the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s email address, required to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the mail.

4 – Social Network Plugins
1. This website also incorporates plugins and/or buttons for social networks, to allow easy sharing of content on your favourite social networks. These plugins are programmed to not set any cookies to access the page, to safeguard user privacy. Cookies may be set, if provided for by the social networks, only when the user actually and willingly uses the plugins. Please bear in mind the fact that if the user navigates while logged onto the social network, then they have already consented to using the cookies carried via this website at the time of subscribing to the social network. 2. The collection and use of the information by plugins are regulated by the respective social network privacy policies, which you are kindly asked to refer to.

Mandatory data for contractual and accounting purposes are retained for the time required to carry out a commercial and accounting relationship.
Images sent will remain on our servers for 15 days from the date they are sent.

1. Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679 lists the user’s rights.
2. The website therefore intends to inform the user about the existence:
– of the data subject’s right to ask the controller for access to their personal data, for updates, rectification, integration or restriction of processing regarding their data or to object to processing for legitimate reasons, and also regarding data portability
– of the right to request deletion, transfer to anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, including data that need not be retained for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed
– of the right to obtain certification that the updating, rectification, integration, deletion, blocking, and transformation of data has been communicated, also regarding their content, to those people to whom data were communicated or distributed, except in the case that said obligation is impossible or requires the use of means that are clearly disproportionate to the protected right
3. Requests can be sent to the data processor, without any due formalities, or alternatively, using the form provided by the Data Protection Authority, or by sending an email to the address:
4. Should processing be based on particular data (health, sexual orientation, political and religious beliefs), the user has the right to revoke consent at any time, without harming the legality of processing based on consent granted prior to revoking.
5. Likewise, should legislation be violated, the user has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, as the authority in charge of controlling processing within Italy.
6. For a more complete explanation of your rights, please refer to articles 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679

1. This website may share some collected data with services located outside the area of the European Union. In particular with Google, Facebook and Microsoft using social plugins and Google Analytics. Transfer is authorised and strictly regulated by EU Regulation 2016/679, therefore no further consent is required. The companies mentioned above guarantee their own subscription to the Policy Shield.
2. Data will never be transferred to countries that do not respect the conditions set out in the EU Regulation.

1. This website processes user data lawfully and fairly, adopting suitable security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, amendment or unauthorised destruction of data. Data is processed using information and/or computer tools, using organisational and logical modes that are closely linked to stated purposes.
2. In addition to the controller, categories of appointees involved in website organisation (administrative, commercial staff etc) or external parties (suppliers of third part technical services, IT companies) may also have access to data.

1. The herein document constitutes this website’s privacy policy.
2. It may be subject to amendments or updates. Users are invited to regularly check this page to stay update on the latest new legislative matters.
3. Previous versions of the document can be consulted on this page.
4. The document was updated on 31/05/2018 to be compliant with legislative provisions, and in particular in compliance with EU Regulation 2016/679.